Sunday, January 6, 2013

Who am I????

I LOVE ladies team tennis!!!  I am a member of 2 ladies doubles tennis leagues and am captain one, sometimes I venture out and play on a night team and do some mixed doubles with my super hot husband who is way better than me, but I have way more fun. Oh and mom of two teenagers ;) This provides an entertaining form of exercise (most matches), friendly competition (most of the time~ bah bahhh ha ha) endless lunches, wine consumption, and friendship throughout my community.  Every week I send out a recap, to both teams, discussing the adventures of our matches and lunches of that week.  It has become a highlight and a favorite part of our teams to share the funny moments, the competitive excitement and the lunch critiques!  This blog is going to do the same thing... a place to share all of our funny tennis stories, wine consumption and food adventures, including team tennis~ I would love to chat up women's team tennis issues, (there are so many) so here's an open forum to debate, discuss, laugh at our experiences, make fun of ourselves and our opponents !!!  Speak to me!!!!