I've watched some tennis friends go through this empty nest syndrome. What do they do? Seems like they play more tennis. Why am I feeling like the opposite could be true? Find that happy tennis place, my new tennis place? Tennis used to be an exit from the hum drum of every day life of a house wife and mom. Exercise, friends, getting out of the house. Now what is it? What's it going to be for me as I grow old? Right now I just want to be locked away inside my house, huddled close with those babies and my love. I do not want to go out, I don't want to be with anyone else. Just here, just home, no more parties, no more tennis, no more chardonnay. Just me and my peeps together for our last unchanged holiday months. Where they are still my babies in my nest with me protecting them, where nothing else in the world matters.... Like the first month of his life when I stayed in my pjs all day, feeding him taking naps. That life was wonderful and simple.
Ahhh yet, another client dinner tonight and a happy face I will put on as I order that chardonnay.